The loan period is usually 28 days.
Loan at the self-service terminal
You can borrow at the self-service terminals during our opening hours by yourself. You will need a PIN (currently only in german) in addition to the HSD Card or library card. You will receive a receipt on which the borrowed media and the loan periods are noted. Please always take this receipt with you.
Loan at the Service Desk
You can borrow at the service desk with a valid HSD Card or library card during our service hours. Regulary you will receive a receipt by mail on which the borrowed media and the loan period are noted.
Loan periods for HSD staff and lecturers
The loan period for HSD staff and lecturers is one year.
Further information:
- Extension options (in progress)
- Special cases with loan periods (in progress)
Special loan periods: barrier-free studies (in progress)