Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library

bank details

Bib > library > bank details

​​​Account Holder: Hochschule Düsseldorf

IBAN: DE21 3005 0000 0004 0150 12


Credit Institution: Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen

Reference: Library / Surname, First Name / BIB Account No. (e.g. Library / Mustermann, Klaus / 9999999)

When transferring fees, the reference must be stated correctly,
otherwise the transferred amount cannot be allocated and your library account cannot be credited.
You will find the number of your library account on your HSD Card, on the top right of the reverse side
or on the library card, under the barcode.

If you instruct another person to make the transfer, the reference must still include “Library / Your Name / BIB Account N​o.”. Otherwise the transferred amount cannot be allocated correctly.

In individual cases, it may take a few days before the amount can be retrieved by the University Library.
You can check online via your Library Account whether your account has been credited.

If there are any discrepancies, please send an e-mail to: bibliothek@hs-duesseldorf.de.