Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library

printer & copier

Bib > study spaces > devices > printer & copier
​​​​​​​​​​​​The copier also serves as a printing station.


The copier provides the following services:

  • Black/white copies in A3 + A4 format
  • Color copies in A3 + A4 format
  • Double-sided copying


Printing is possible from all workstations in the University Library, also in color. Printing from your own devices is not possible.

In addition, a separate PC is available in the print and copy room for sending print jobs.
The print data can be downloaded from a USB stick or from the Internet. To use the Internet, you must log in with your library account number and the PIN stored in your library account.

Printing instructions:

Existing copy cards: Recharge  

New copy cards cannot be purchased.​
Existing copy cards can be charged independently at the card machine. 

Please note:

Costs for copying or printing per page 

Printing is subject to a charge. You can pay with coins or an existing copy card. New copy cards cannot be purchased.

Cash paymentPayment with copy card
​A4 b/w
0,20 Euro0,10 Euro
​A4 colored
0,60 Euro0,30 Euro
​A3 b/w
0,60 Euro0,30 Euro
​A3 colored
1,20 Euro0,60 Euro

The pri​nting and copying service is financed from quality improvement funds (currently only in german).