Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library

Power of attorney

Bib > borrowing > Power of attorney


Are you unable to come to the university library yourself to borrow media?
Would you like to give a student assistant the right to borrow items for you?

    Any adult person can be authorized by you to
    to borrow media from the university library on your behalf
    or obtain information about your library account.

    You can authorize more than one person.

How to issue a power of attorney until revoked:

  1. Form:
    We require the completed and signed power of attorney form [pdf-Datei, 585 KB] (currently only in german​) (one form must be submitted per authorized person). Please hand it in at the service counter during our service hours.

  2. Identification:
    When submitting the power of attorney form, you must identify yourself once on site with your identity card or passport. If you are unable to come in person, we will need a copy of your ID card or passport, which will be destroyed immediately after the identification has been checked.
Confirmation of the power of attorney by e-mail, telephone etc. - without presenting the necessary documents - is not possible.​

The authorization granted will be noted in your library account. 

The authorized person can:

In addition, your library account can also be managed online (prerequisite: The authorized person must have their own library account). This also makes it possible to place interlibrary loans in your name.

Questions or Problems?

We will be happy to help you at the service counter during our service hours:​
