Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library


Bib > borrowing > Renewal

​​​Loan periods can be extendet if:

  • there is no reservation.

  • the fee limit of 30 Euros has not been exceeded in your BIB account

  • it ist not a reference copy, a journal, a medium from interlibrary loan or a course-specific book.​

For HSD students and externals, the loan period is extended by 28 days from the date of renewal.

The media can be borrowed for a maximum of 112 days
This means that if you renew on the first day after borrowing, the return period will only be extended by one day.​

The loan period of HSD employees and lecturers can be extended independently as often as desired.

Once the maximum loan period of 730 days (2 years in total) has been reached, no further extensions are possible.

Further informations:

Loan periods can be extended via your library account!

​Loan extensions by phone are not possible!

Also loan periods can be extended:

Questions or problems?

At the service desk we will gladly help you during our service time​: