The University Library and the HAW in NRW (Universities of Applied Sciences in Northrhein Westfalia) cordially invite interested students, lecturers and researchers to the events and activities of the LOVE DATA WEEK.
From February 10 to 14, 2025, numerous events on the topics of data and research data management will take place throughout Germany and internationally - this year under the motto “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?”.
Book tower with riddle stories at the BIB
From February 10, 2025, there will be a themed book tower on site at the BIB for one week, which is all about research data, digitality and artificial intelligence. You will find books from the stock, further links and riddle stories (the so-called Research Data Scarytales of the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management).
Online presentation of the information graphic on Moodle:
Research data and good scientific practice
The University Library will also be presenting a specially developed information graphic on Moodle on the subject of “Research data and good scientific practice” on two dates. This supports members of the HSD in
- manage their research data - in accordance with the principles enshrined in the “Regulations on good scientific practice and the avoidance of scientific misconduct (GWP)”
- experience all stages of the research data lifecycle
- receive concrete recommendations for action and assistance in handling research data.
When and where?