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Research Data Day 2024

​​Tuesday, November 12, 2024 is Research Data Day. Under the motto “Into the data garden: Make your research bloom!”, many universities are offering events on the topic of research data management.

The HSD is taking part...

...and is offering an online information event on publishing research data in cooperation with other universitys:

"Publishing research data: Ways out of the publication maze"
When: 12.11.2024, 03.30 - 04.30 p.m.
Where: Zoom-Lecture

​Registration is not required!

What is it about?
In this event, we will guide you through various ethical and legal issues that arise around (data) publication, before finally addressing the implementation itself and the questions of where your research data can be published and how the data should be prepared for this (more information).

If you have any questions about the event and the topic of research data management, please contact: fdm@hs-duesseldorf.de

The detailed program for the Research Data Day in NRW with further events can be found on the website of fdm.nrw.


​​For the state initiative for research data management fdm.nrw (using Adobe CC).