Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library

Access for external users

Bib > study spaces > access > Access for external users

External users are those who are not members of Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences.

On site, external users can use most of the
university library's databases.

A valid library card is required to log in to the PC workstations. All databases and e-learning services that can be run from the university network without additional authentication (e.g. SpringerLink, Perinorm) can be started from the PC workstations in the university library.

This does not apply to services that can only be run via direct login via Shibboleth (e.g. ProQuest Ebook Central).

WLAN use only via eduroam

It is only possible for external users to log into the university's Wi-Fi network if you are a student at a university that participates in eduroam. In this case, you can log into the HSD's WLAN via eduroam. Further information can be found on the Campus IT website.​

All other external users cannot use the university's WLAN network.​

