Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library


​Authentication directly in the web browser
for the duration of a session


How access works:

  1. Open the database link.

  2. You will be redirected to the EZproxy login page (see graphic on the right).

  3. Log in with your personal access data to the Campus IT network services (HSD account).

The only requirement:

To use EZproxy, the desired database must be accessed via a special link (URL) from the database list so that the corresponding request is routed via the HSD's EZproxy server.

Further information on the EZproxy procedure:

Before EZproxy was introduced, the University Library databases could be used outside the university network via a VPN tunnel. The necessary configurations in the browser were not always possible because the necessary rights were missing.

EZproxy does not require any special browser settings or the installation of software. An Internet connection can be established from home and the licensed database can be accessed directly via the database list.

For the duration of a session in the web browser, all databases or e-books subject to license can then be used without repeated login procedures.

Old bookmarks or saved links no longer work

The only requirement is this special link (URL) from the database list so that the request is routed via the EZproxy server.

This special link contains the address of the HSD EZproxy server (https://ezp.hs-duesseldorf.de/login?) in addition to the database address.

Due to the changes to the database links, old bookmarks and saved links may no longer work.

Login and access data

Login with your personal access data to the Campus IT network services (HSD account):

The HSD account is structured in the form abcd1234 or abcdef_g.
The student Max Mustermann with the matriculation number 121337 would have the abbreviation mamu1337.
The employee Max Mustermann would have the abbreviation muster_m.


Questions or Problems?

 We will be happy to help you during our service hours​:




Tip: You can revise existing bookmarks to databases or e-books in the library by placing the following link in front of the original bookmark URL:
