Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library

shelf locations & signatures

University Library > borrowing > shelf locations & signatures
​​The shelfmark indicates the location of the medium
on the shelves (i.e. in the media collection).
The shelfmark is usually found on the spine of the medium.

Please note that the media may have different loan periods​. For example, media marked with a red dot on the spine can only be borrowed for one day. 

Our colleagues at the service desk will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

How can I find out the shelfmark?

You can search for the signature of a medium via Catalog Plus​. The signatures can be found in the “Signatur” field.

The exact location in the media collection can be found in the “Standort” field (e.g. main collection, textbook collection etc.).

If you have any questions, please contact the colleagues at the service desk. 


Questions or problems?​

We will be happy to help you at the service counter during our service hours​:​