Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library

opening hours

Bib > library > opening hours
​​Changed opening hours from Monday, 05.08.2024 to Sunday, 15.08.2024​

​​Monday to Friday

09.00 a.m t​o 10.00​​ p.m

​Saturday and Sunday

​11.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m

Monday to Saturday until 06:00 p.m our library staff is available for support.
​​Monday to Saturday after 06:00 p.m and on Sunday security supervise the library building. You cannot create or deactivate a library account, return items ordered via the interlibrary loan, lending and return of journals, re-lending (media have already been on loan for 112 days), issuance of the cards or keys for the lockers, Payment of fees (bank transfer possible).​​​​


Further information:


The opening hours of the university library are financed with quality improvement funds.