Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
University Library


Bib > training > E-Learning > LinkedIn
​​​​​​Please note:

At the beginning of each year and if you have not used your
LinkedIn Learning account for a longer period of time,
a new registration is necessary.

LinkedIn Learning is an e-learning database with instructional and training videos on a wide range of topics:

Office software, web design, programming, 3D design & CAD, IT administration, development and IT infrastructure, graphics and creative software, photography, mobile computing, digital lifestyle, business skills and much more.

It contains around 16,000 training courses in various languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese).

Registration and access options

LinkedIn Learning can be accessed via your HSD e-mail address. To do this, you must create a LinkedIn Learning account once.

Registration including instructions:

After a one-time registration, you can access the LinkedIn Learning platform directly:​

License notice:

The illegal distribution of the video trainings constitutes a criminal offense. Use is only permitted for the duration of your affiliation with Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences.
After exmatriculation, downloaded video trainings must be deleted.
The users themselves are liable for compliance with the license terms!​

Direct access:

​Questions or Problems?

Your contact persons during our service hours​:


​​This offer was financed with the help of quality improvement funds (currently only in german).